€ 39.55
Mit diesen 132 Stickern beschriften Sie alle Dinge, die Ihr Kind mit ins Ferienlager nehmen muss: Handtücher, Schlafsack, Bettwäsche, Unterwäsche, Socken, T-Shirts, Finken, Wanderschuhe, Sportschuhe, Schwimmsachen, Badeschuhe, Fussballtrikots, Taschenlampe, Sonnenbrille und, und, und. Damit behält ihr Kind den Überblick und falls mal etwas liegen bleibt, wissen die Leiter anhand der Namensaufkleber und Etiketten gleich, was zu welchem Kind gehört.
Holiday camp name stickers, stickers & labels
The best preparation for a holiday camp!
With these 132 stickers, you can label all the things your child needs to take with them to camp: Towels, sleeping bag, bed linen, underwear, socks, T-shirts, finches, hiking boots, sports shoes, swimsuits, bathing shoes, football shirts, flashlights, sunglasses, and so on.
So that your child keeps the overview and if something stops, the ladder knows on the basis of the name stickers and labels immediately what belongs to which child.
With individualized stickers (15 different names) for drinking bottles according to your template, your team is always recognizable as a unit - and everyone always finds his or her own. These stickers are of course also dishwasher safe.
Content: 132 stickers (60 clothing, 48 small universal, 12 large universal and 12 shoe stickers) Design of your choice - with a free set of 12 designed camp stickers.
Quality: waterproof, washing machine and dishwasher proof
Size: see preview